Saturday, August 8, 2009

Green beans....Yummy ?!?!?!?!

Madison just recently entered the world of solid food. We started with rice cereal which she really didn't mind. Then a week or so after that we started with green beans for dinner. She didn't seem to mind them at first, but after about the 3rd or 4th bite we started getting the faces. She kept opening her mouth for them so it couldn't have been that bad. After the green beans we moved onto adding bananas to her cereal in the mornings and that is a HUGE hit. She can't get enough of those! It's early, but it looks like she's going to be a pretty good little eater!

Madison had her 6 month check up and shots at the Dr this week and she did really good. She screamed like crazy while she was getting her shots, but immediately after that, I picked her up and she quieted right down. She is now 15 lbs 8 oz and 25 1/2 inches long. She is in the 40th percentile on both height and weight. She is in the 70% percentile for head circumference, but that's just because she has a huge brain!! He said she was doing good and that he could feel some bottom teeth down there and they would hopefully show themselves in the next month. All in all, she's growing like a little weed and we're enjoying every minute of it!!

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