Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moving Right Along - 27 weeks!

We had our 27 week Dr. visit yesterday and all is still going great! Our little girl's heartbeat was ticking right along and she was kicking right along as well. I don't think she really appreciates having things poking her from the outside. I had my glucose test yesterday and will know the results of that by the end of the week. The Dr. said that he didn't see any reason to think I would have a problem with gestational diabetes but it's a standard test that is done. They also did some other bloodwork and it turns out that I'm anemic. So, I have to add an iron pill to the regimen now. That could explain why I've been more tired, dizzy, pale and short of breath. So hopefully in a few weeks when the iron starts to kick in more I'll start to feel a little better. Other than that, things are going great!!! My next appointment is December 18th and we'll be having another ultrasound at that point!! We're very very excited to see what our little girl looks like now :)

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