Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Little Kickboxer

Over the past few weeks I've really been able to feel our little girl kicking away inside me. I would have to say she's going to turn out to be a world champion kickboxer! She is constantly moving around and kicking up a storm. When I'm at work and sitting in the room with patients she's going like crazy. I'm beginning to think that during the day she's awake and very active and then in the evenings when I'm home is her naptime, because there is no movement from about 4pm until 9 or so. It is truly a wierd feeling, but it's really neat at the same time. I think Chris is straining at the bit to be able to feel her as well. Hopefully he won't have to wait too long!

1 comment:

Laura S. said...

I bet it won't be long before Chris can feel his little kickboxing daughter! Sounds like she is as squirmy as her cousin was.