Tuesday, March 17, 2009

All Dolled Up!

Madison had her first experience with church here in Rolla this past Sunday. Of course, she decided to expel gas and poop at the absolute quietest times during the service. I went and changed her diaper and it wasn't 5 minutes later she pooped again! It was lovely!
She now has it in her head that she needs to be held to go to sleep. Last night started this all out. She would be crying and screaming when she was laying down but the minute you picked her up, the crying would stop and she would be looking around over your shoulder. Then she would fall asleep, you would put here down and the screams would begin. I think this is what you would call a spoiled baby. So we tried letting her "cry it out" and try to get her to cry herself back to sleep, well she outlasted us. Eventually she did end up going back to sleep, but that all ended about 5:30 this morning. It's lasting today as well. Today she won't even nap without crying to be held. I'm just so glad this got started!!! Hopefully we can break her of this VERY soon!!


Laura S. said...

That sounds familiar. Took us a long time at least with naps because if you let Emma cry it out, she would get so upset that she would vomit. Good luck!

Kim Marimon said...

She is beautiful!!! And more so everyday!!! I agree with Laura's comment....Jazmyn would "cry it out" and then I"d be cleaning for hours...it never seemed worth it to me. LOL!!! It is a very tough thing to break!! Good luck to you both!!