Saturday, March 21, 2009

Playtime in the bouncy

Madison loves to sit in the bouncy chair and look at the lights and listen to the music. Whenever she's fussing, this is usually one place where she is content. She seems to really enjoy this.
She has been doing better over the past few days at night. She has been waking up about twice a night to eat so that's not bad at all. The only time she really gets fussy anymore is when she's having a tummy ache and gas problems...guess I can understand that one. Overall she's been doing great. She's been eating like a champ and gaining weight like crazy...starting to get a little double chin on her!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is soooo sweet! I just can't get over how cute she is. Maya loved her bouncy seat too. They are life savers!

Take care,