Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pool Time for the Kids

We've been trying to figure out a way to keep Max, our lab, out of our koi pond in the backyard. The Dr. I work with suggested we get a kiddie pool for him and let him lay around in that and see if he would stay out of the pond. So, today I went to good old WalMart and bought a kiddie pool and well...Max loved it. He first started drinking out of it like crazy. In his mind he was probably thinking "man this is the biggest water bowl I've ever seen!!". Then he just jumped right in and layed down and rolled around. I think it's a hit. Let's just see if it keeps him out of the pond!! Our little dog Bailey however, is a Miss Priss and didn't really care for it much.

1 comment:

Laura S. said...

I can see where Max might enjoy chilling in the pool on a hot summer day. Does he like to kick like Emma? :)