Saturday, February 28, 2009

Good times!

It's been a few days since I posted anything on here and that is mainly due to the fact that we've had a little "fussy gus" the past few days. I was bragging to everyone about how well she slept at night and that she never really cried at all, and well, that backfired I think. The other night we had an all out screamfest by our sweet little Madison. I think she pretty much cried/screamed off and on from about 11pm until about 5am. It was lovely! She would be asleep and then all of a sudden blood curdling screams would emerge from her mouth. Wow! That's all I can say! Needless to say I had a mini breakdown that evening. It lasted pretty much the rest of the day. I'm thinking it was her friend - gas. She is the hardest little child to burp and sometimes all that gas builds up in her and she just screams and kicks and gets all red in the face. It seems to be getting better and the nights have been a little smoother so hopefully it keeps going in the right direction. I feel sorry for her, and I feel helpless all at the same time. I just wish there were more I could do for her. She still is a precious little angel though!!

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