Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Here are a few more pictures as promised!!!

Just to let you know, Madison did great through the night last night. She woke up about every 2 hours and 45 minutes, fed, burped, changed and back to bed. She was a real trooper last night. I think trying to keep her awake a little more yesterday resulted in a better night for all of us involved. I hope she keeps up the good work!

Daddy's Girl

Talking with Grandma and Grandpa


Anonymous said...

She is absolutely precious and has the sweetest little face!!

Take care,

Kimberly & Jeovany Marimon said...

I think everyone is smitten with her huh!!! I couldn't imagine why?! LOL!! She is gourgous. I expecially like the fourth picture from the top. So sweet. Such a sweet little precious! Congrats again.